Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Day After (Vol. 2)

This afternoon Dr. C and his crew stopped by to visit Kim and I. He was pleased with how Kim looked and responded. They reaffirmed that Kim was breathing on her own power (she was pronounced "the Olympic champion of breathing"), and that the ventilator was now in place only to ensure that an airway is open. Dr. C was very pleased and happy (and I think a little surprised) with how Kim's facial muscles were responding (perfectly). He posed an alternate theory to what may be going on with Kim's left shoulder, saying that the eleventh nerve, which is in proximity to the area they worked in, may have be disturbed by swelling etc. In any case, he also noticed improvement and is expecting the issue to resolve.

Kim was (finally) taken for her MRIs at 6:30, and was not back when I left at 8:30. However, I just spoke with Kim's nurse who said that Kim's back and that the scans look good. The current plan is to remove the ventilator tomorrow morning.

Kim is doing well... responding and writing with no problems, and seemingly in ok spirits. Obviously the breathing/feeding tubes are not very comfortable, and I can tell Kim will be hugely excited to have them removed tomorrow morning.

More tomorrow evening.


1 comment:

  1. I've have ALWAYS said Kim was a breathing champion... a natural you know... I wasn't gonna go all the way to claim "Olympic" but I'm impressed none the less.

    Glad to hear that things seem to be looking up. :)
