Friday, April 3, 2009

My week

This week was pretty much a "back-to-normal" one. I walked between Dupont Circle and Woodley Park instead of taking the train; I went to the gym, a happy hour, and a Wizards game; and I attended a full week of work minus a couple of physical therapy appointments.

I'm now finished with physical therapy, but I am supposed to continue doing some exercises at home with therabands. My shoulder feels fine but my left arm is definitely weaker than my right; also, I'm still waiting for the feeling in my hand to return to normal. My knee is better than it was but still needs more stretching.

I have been wearing my contact lenses more this week but my eye gets irritated by the afternoon, so I have to switch back to glasses. The dryness is probably exacerbated by looking at the computer all day, I'd say.

I'm being more cognizant of opportunities to practice my vestibular training; for instance, while I was walking across a long straight bridge, I noticed a sign at the end of it and thought I could try keeping my eyes fixed on it while walking and turning my head. I think it was a good idea :)

Monday will be my eight-week post-op anniversary. It's hard to believe that two months ago I was at the beginning of this journey. I feel almost like nothing ever happened. Thanks for listening!

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