Sunday, May 3, 2009

Another thing about SSD

You know when you're on the phone in a loud place and you plug your other ear with your finger so you can hear better? Now I don't have to do that since I'm not exactly getting extra sound in that ear anymore.


  1. Hey Kimberly,
    I am newly diagnosed young female. Would it be possible to get in touch with you? I need someone young like me to talk to.

  2. Hi Serena,

    I added an email address to my profile so you can email me and we can talk. Hope you're doing ok!


  3. Hi Kim! So good to read all of your updates and know that you are back to doing normal things, like work, running and going out with friends to a bar (oh my!) Although i am not SSD, I do the same thing you do - lay on my good ear at night and then i don't hear much throughout the night while i am sleeping. (I am sure my grandmother did this as well, after removing her hearing aide!) -- Anyway, i am glad you are doing well and look forward to meeting you in the future. Have a great day! Sincerely, Sue
    PS. Love the new haircut!
